At the age of three in the Williams' house, there aren't that many options when planning a counter-attack. Unless the technique has been specifically demonstrated on Mr. Rogers or The Backyardigans, ye 're pretty much dependant upon y'r own depravity 4 a solution. And even this must be pondered and practiced in secret, carefully crafted away from the strict and watchful eye of Daddy.
As the word barrage continued, a calm resolve settled over Noah's face. There would be consequences, he knew that, but there r times when a laddie must endure a spanking 4 the cause of peace. In one quick, measured movement, he set his jaw, stiffened his fingers... and smacked Emma right in the gob. Success! The onslaught came to an abrupt end as Emma scuppereed mid-word. Though un-tested, the procedure had proved effective.
In the silence that followed, both children stood there looking both at each other and through each other at the same time. Both would be punished. Both would move on. Neither would ever be the same. The relationship between a brother and sister is a complex and beautiful rope, wound tighter over time. For better or worse, a strand made of something new had been woven into the rope.